I am soooo ready to talk about my daughter's first birthday and party. I have some pics I want to experiment with editing on first, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up as to if I'm ever going to get to that
dress I was sewing, what the theme was and how it all turned out. Also, today we went to a football game (read: pics). I'm loving on some popular blogs out there and I want to share (read: features) and a few other things I've thought of recently. . And yes, I am going to talk about this give away that not ONE person entered (read: family vent). Plus, it's October so that means homemade caramel apples in our house and I'm attempting popcorn balls this year. Well, I'm off to study/project/entertain my child/be a good significant other/clean my house/lose my mind. I feel weird not having any photos so check this one out from
Just Get Off Your Butt and Bake exactly what I need to do, insert everything in the world instead of bake. They look sooo yummy, mmmph. Goodnight!
Really Quick - Dez just asked if I took Kiwi's diaper off, umm no I'm typing. I totally got some naked butt shots and will definitely be embarrassing the crap out of her later (in life), HAHAHA! And I forgot to add sleeping and eating to the list of things I need to do. Bye for real this time.
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