So, in January I turned 25. Woohoo! A quarter century, totally awesome.
So we had a little soiree at our place. I didn't get to decorate like I
really wanted, but we had a blast. I actually wasn't even dressed as the party started; babies make everything take longer. Kiwi (babygirl's nickname) stayed up
the entire time, not planned, but it worked out. Anyway, I wanted to
share some pics from the joyous occasion. Dez helped out with the
cooking and setup and we mounted the tv on the wall which had a graphic I put together. The colors were hot pink, black and white damask. So these are some of the pics.

My Cake - the baker actually almost cut her finger off prior to that day so it wasn't as detailed as we had planned.The cake was Cognac and the cupcakes were champagne flavored. Courtesy of
Bite of Your Life
The spread and "bar". Yes, I did cover my table with black wrapping paper. Please excuse the not done decorations. We had wings, meatballs, potstickers, dumplings, and a cheese fondue for the veggies. Very tasty.
The pink drink is "Xrated Pink Lemonade" very delicious as you can see they were guzzling it down. And we are always up for Jello Shots. Excuse the printer, just pretend it's not there.
DIY Photobooth couldn't contain us. We basically, hung black curtains, and covered our upholstered coffee table a.k.a. the red thing, in white fabric. I had to say this was a fun group of people. There were guys too just not pictured. I randomly invited the girl who sat next to me in Art class and she turned out to be a blast.
Me and Dez coordinated outfits. I love how open he is to things, most guys would say
hell no to a Hot Pink shirt. We went to Jacksonville to get our gear, worked out nicely I do say.
Cake Tower and Edible arrangement.
I've always wanted one of these and they can cut numbers out of the pineapple, YAY!
I tried to incorporate black and white as best I could, we had them dip some of the fruit in dark and white chocolate.
So we played "Get Low" Limbo. Lots of fun! When the party was whinding down someone suggested we play charades and we did...til 3am.
Finally, the "royal family". Since, my daughter wouldn't stay asleep we let her stay up and party with us. Everyone pretty much just passed her around the whole night. Everyone made it home safely and as we were saying goodbye, Kiwi was falling asleep in our arms. Happy Birthday to me!