Saturday, February 4, 2012

Yes, I Made It Yesterday - Pillow Case Dress (Tutorial)

So, I guess "Yes, I Made It Yesterday" isn't all that catchy, but if I were to post this on my Facebook that would probably be my response to a lot of the questions I would get. Maybe. If someone cared. So I want this to be an occasional series of basically whenever I craft. I am more than likely NOT going to sit down and write a lengthy blog post the same day my daughter turns an "x" amount of time project into a "2x" amount of time project. Like P90x, I don't have 3hrs a day to do a 1.5hr workout. If anyone ever makes anything from my posts I would LOVE if you shared either by email or on the Creative Hobbies Facebook page.

I have been almost literally DYING to make Kiwi a pillowcase dress since well...she was born, maybe even before. I bought a surprisingly pretty pillowcase from Dollar Tree (for $1) and have been holding on to it for at least a year. Also, I finally bought my own sewing machine. Yay me! I was using one that was borrowed from a friend and not only did I return it, but she moved to Alabama shortly after so I couldn't re-borrow it (just kidding Kelly, ha ha). Well despite the fact that my house is a wreck, we have guests coming Sunday and my little sister is moving in this weekend; I took my free time yesterday and made my baby a dress. I get so much creative work done when I have other things to do instead. I found the tutorial via a website link via Pinterest via being a procrastinator. SN: I hope my sentences aren't too long for you, I actually talk in long rambling sentences in "real" life. "Short-story long."

So here is the link for the tutorial I used. Plus, my own pictures and slight modifications. I also did almost everything with the pillowcase inside out.

Firstly (possibly a word), I didn't cut the measurements like she said because my daughter is the smallest 16 month old ever, just like I am the smallest 26 year old ever, at least that's what clothing companies would have us believe. Also, my pillowcase had some great contrasting fabric at the bottom that I wanted to use for the binding so I cut the top off and then I measured down about 18-19" and cut that off too.

 I then folded the bottom up about 2-3" sewing that to make a hem. I used a piece of tape as a guide so that my seam came out even all around.

 After that I took out my seam ripper (instrument of torture) and took the green apart to make my binding as instructed. I will clarify some things I found confusing: for the binding, fold the top and bottom long edge inward so that they meet. I suggest you iron these, then fold that in half and iron. You end up with  this...

I didn't make my arm opening 5" I made mine 4" because Kirin is small, I compared it to a shirt she had for size. Remember, you fold the top down an inch though so you lose an inch and you can make yours bigger or smaller according to your needs. I pinned the binding on because it's a little hard to work with, but it payed off.
Also, I suspected I should have cut my armholes in more or shortened my elastic. I used 1/2' braided elastic btw, she doesn't mention what to use in hers tut. And after making Kiwi try it on the neck opening was too big, sooo I am going to shorten the elastic and lengthen the ribbon - I found 10' to be short. I also want to add some ruffle or something and possible a pocket with the leftover material. I didn't have time to do it yesterday because Dez came to get us for the gym. And that's it. I made it Yesterday.


  1. That's so cool! Are you going to add a ruffle or something at the bottom? Either way, it's precious! Thanks for the real tutorial. I might try and make one for Johanna... but first I have to get a hold of a sewing machine!

    1. Yes, I was thinking of a bottom ruffle with the rest of the green. Find a friend with one, once you learn how to operate it there are so many videos and tutorials out there it's not hard to learn.

  2. How stinkin' CUTE!!! You did such a great job! Thanks for commenting on my post today. It made me smile. I am glad to have inspired you. Your baby girl is so beautiful! :)

  3. You r sooo creative. i would say put some straps on it and put it on her.hahaha. Thats Great.


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